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Why is Attracting New Talent to the Mining Industry Paramount to our Successful Evolution as a Species

The Crucial Role of Change Management in the Mining and Oil & Gas Industries

Mining contributes approximately 45% of the world’s goods and raw materials, making it a globally significant industry. It plays a critical role in extracting essential resources for various sectors, including construction, manufacturing, and technology. For example, consider your mobile phone—mining provides roughly 80-90% of the materials used in an iPhone. This includes minerals like gold, copper, silver, and rare earth elements, which are essential for manufacturing the device’s components.

The increasing demand for electric vehicles and renewable energy technologies further highlights the importance of mining in supplying key materials. There is a general consensus on a potential shortage of critical battery metals like lithium, cobalt, and nickel.  Similarly, the current shortfall in copper for a reliable grid to enable a greener, cleaner world requires up to a 400% increase in the volume mined.  Efforts are being made to increase production and find alternative sources to meet the growing demand for these essential materials.

Compounding this issue—the mining industry has faced challenges in recent years in attracting skilled professionals and developing a new generation of talent. An aging workforce, changes in technology, and perceptions of the industry have contributed to a potential shortage of people choosing mining careers.

Several factors may inhibit engineering students from entering the mining industry:

  • Perceived Environmental Impact: Some students are concerned about the environmental impact of mining activities, including issues such as deforestation, water pollution, and habitat destruction. This can deter environmentally conscious students from pursuing careers in the industry.
  • Safety Concerns: Mining has historically been associated with safety hazards and high-risk working conditions. Students may be hesitant to enter the industry due to concerns about workplace safety and health risks.
  • Lack of Awareness: Many students may not be fully aware of the wide range of career opportunities available in the mining industry beyond traditional roles. Limited exposure to the industry and a lack of information about potential career paths can impede students from considering mining as a viable career option.
  • Technological Perceptions: Some students may perceive the mining industry as outdated or lacking in technological innovation. The misconception that mining is a traditional and non-technical field can deter students with an interest in cutting-edge technologies and innovation.
  • Geographic Considerations: The location of many mining operations in remote or rural areas can be a deterrent for students who prefer urban or more accessible work environments. Concerns about relocation, limited amenities, and work-life balance may discourage students from pursuing mining careers.
  • Industry Reputation: Negative perceptions of the mining industry, including its impact on local communities, labor practices, and social responsibility, can influence students’ decisions to avoid careers in mining.

What are executives of mining companies and industry associations doing to bring new talent into the industry? Many companies and educational institutions are making great efforts to promote careers in mining through training programs, internships, and awareness campaigns to address this issue. By addressing these concerns through education, awareness campaigns, industry initiatives promoting sustainability and innovation, and improving safety practices, the mining industry can work to overcome barriers and attract more engineering students to the field.

Here are several effective strategies to attract students to careers in the mining industry:

  • Internship and Co-op Programs: Offering internships and co-op programs that provide students with hands-on experience in the mining industry can be an effective way to spark their interest and expose them to the field.
  • Educational Outreach: Collaborating with schools and universities to raise awareness about career opportunities in the mining industry can help attract students. This can include guest lectures, workshops, and industry tours.
  • Scholarships and Financial Aid: Providing scholarships, grants, and financial aid specifically for students pursuing careers in mining can incentivize them to choose this field.
  • Industry Partnerships: Partnering with educational institutions to develop specialized mining programs or courses that align with industry needs can attract students who are interested in pursuing a career in mining.
  • Promoting Innovation and Sustainability: Highlighting opportunities for innovation and the industry’s commitment to sustainability can appeal to students who are passionate about environmental and social responsibility.
  • Professional Development Opportunities: Showcasing the potential for career growth, professional development, and diverse career paths within the mining industry can attract students looking for long-term prospects.
  • Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives: Emphasizing diversity and inclusion efforts within the industry can attract students from diverse backgrounds who are seeking an inclusive and welcoming work environment.

By implementing these strategies and emphasizing the exciting and rewarding aspects of a career in the mining industry, organizations can attract and retain top talent from the student population.

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